Monday, January 21, 2013

New year, new blog

Hello friends and faithful followers!

I am back. I have a laundry list of excuses for my absence ranging from uninspired dishes to sun setting early making it hard to photograph food to lazy to busy. But they are all excuses. The only two that I would like to specifically mention are as follows:

1) I was teaching Intro to Human Nutrition at Berkeley this past fall. Which, even though it was only a 20 hour/week assignment, kept me insanely busy. I think partly because I truly loved it and felt I had a purpose there so I wanted to spend the extra time. And it showed in my student evaluations, swoon (shout out to any former students that have found this)! The reason I am mentioning this is because teaching that class really reenergized my love of nutrition. Not that it was ever gone, but it reminded me of both the importance of teaching nutrition and also reminded me that I do have something to contribute.

2) Man oh man should nutrition classes be mandatory. In reading diet analyses of student diets, I was shocked. Few of them eat breakfast or vegetables. Most food is completely processed or Subway (the amount of Subway eaten by the undergrads at Berkeley is alarming). The excuses I usually got were, "Oh, but I don't have the time to eat healthy," or, "Oh, I don't have the resources to cook." And well, as far as I am concerned, that is bologna. You will never have more "time" than you do in college (and I cringe even typing that, because I hate treating time as a commodity) and your health should always be taken seriously. Many student promised that they would start to eat healthy when they finished college. But this is the phase when you are building habits, so it is important to build healthy habits. I could go on and on sharing horror stories of some of the diets I saw, but the point I am trying to make is that there is an incredible need for nutrition/cooking classes in the middle class youth. As a species (and this is about to be a wildly blanketed statement, so stay with me), our relationship with food is so broken and it needs some mending. And that is where I come in.

Stay tuned on my reenergized journey over at and then shortly that will be ported over to :-). Once there, let me you know your thoughts on the new design or any types of recipes that you would love to see!


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  2. Technical essays are one where you are given to discuss any statement or any particular idea. The topic can also be in an interrogative form. So, students often search for business law assignment help tips or services to write a compelling essay. Though several generalized tips are available to write an essay, very few of them are specifically valuable for technical essays. So, here is a list of few tips to help students in their technical essay assignments.
    Think of a suitable title
    Your title will show much about your perception of the subject. Also, it will be the first thing to attract the readers towards an essay. So, think of some suitable title that goes with the statement or the topic of essays before you start. This is the primary thing done by the professionals, even if you coding assignment help from any writing agency. However, you must be sure that the title you choose shall not disgust readers to read any further. It shall be easy to understand, related to reality where the readers can feel connected to your content. Try to make it simple and profound.
    Collect enough information in support of your argument
    A technical essay consists of a writer's opinion and extracts of supporting pieces of evidence for that. Therefore, you cannot just begin to write about something because you feel it to be correct. One has to have enough evidence and examples to prove them correct. You can ask for some samples from academic writing services and look into their approach to write a technical essay. It will help you a lot as all the writers in such companies are professionals and are accustomed to every writing rule. You can also ask them to write the entire paper for you if you are still facing difficulties.
    Make an impressive introduction and conclusion
    After the title, your introduction can be the catchiest paragraph for the readers. Try to brief the overall idea or the points you are going to discuss in the introduction. Your introduction shall carry a subtle glimpse of your take on the topic. However, it shall not be lengthy or too monotonous for readers to proceed any further. The conclusion is more or less the same. It concludes the entire extract and refers to the above points as the reason for such a concluding statement. If you are still in a dilemma, you can get online exam help for guidance or write your essay.
    Pay special attention to formatting and structure

    Formatting and structure are of grave importance in any technical essay. However, the general format for technical papers is title, introduction, abstract, main body and conclusion. But, you shall be attentive if there is any specific format asked in a question. The arrangement also includes the font style, font size and paragraph style for the writing. Generally, it also asked to use references in an essay, so most experienced research paper help recommend APA style referencing in technical essays. However, you can or cannot use other references as per the instructions.

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