Friday, August 24, 2012

Getting with the Times

I am trying to get with the twitter and youtubes. Today's 21st century social media device I tackled is The Facebook. Oh, did I just date myself by calling it THE facebook? Oops.

Anyways, please head over to Facebook to like Veggie with a Cause's new facebook page!

Also, I know these pictures aren't the best... or really very good at all, but I thought you should know that this happened in my kitchen the other night:

I recently acquired Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World and wanted to try all of the recipes ASAP, so I started with testing out S'Mores, Coconut Lime, and Peanut Butter... all in one night. Let's just say my roommates were not upset. Ok, R did get a little ornery when I didn't bake cupcakes every night this week. So demanding!

We are hosting a BBQ at our house on Sunday, for which I will be making bigger batches of these bad larries, so expect the recipes then. And perhaps some other delicacies that we treat our guests with.... until then, ci vediamo presto! And don't forget to like my facebook page!

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