Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I have an exam this Thursday, as well as a handful of other school-related commitments. The worst. Which means you can expect to see me pretty active both in my kitchen and on here this week (doesn't that mean she should be less active on here... she is a terrible student...).

Oh, so you're saying I should be studying chemical biology instead of writing up a post about tabouli? That non-coding RNA and... and... ok, the fact that I can't even think of another topic that my exam is on is very telling...

Anyways, if you are that offended by my cavalier attitude towards school, then you don't have to keep reading. But be warned, you would be missing out on a pretty kick-butt tabouli recipe. Just saying.

As spring is finally settling in in the Bay Area this week, I was looking for some pathetic fallacy up in here with my food. Some lunch item that I could make in bulk that would enjoy the sun with me everyday (you know, while I was busy "studying"). I was strolling through the bulk food bins at Berkeley Bowl when the bulgar bin caught my eye, screaming to be made into some tabouli. It insisted that I run next-door to the organic produce section and pick up a big ol' bunch of parsley and a handful of juicy lemons. Actually, it insisted that I forget the lemons, and have to drive all the way back for them. Yup, all part of the plan. I got home and it all started out as some innocent tabouli... until the fennel I bought caught my eye (and I was remembering a delicious salad that Denise Woodward had made during my food photography class)... and then the avocados... it turned into quite the mad house of vegetable chopping and lemon juicing.  Everything in this salad just screams brightness.  And then with the creamy avocado... it really works!
Notice anything different about the image quality?
Ok, you win. I should really get back to studying... so I will post this super simple and bright tabouli salad recipe and be on my way.  
  • 1 cup bulgar
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1/2 bunch flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped
  • 1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and diced
  • 1 large tomato, diced
  • 1/4 cup chopped mint
  • 1/2 bulb fennel, diced
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • Juice from 2 lemons
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • salt and pepper

  1. Pour the hot water over the bulgar, cover, and let sit for about 15 minutes, until all of the liquid has been absorbed.
  2. In the meantime, chop up all of the vegetables.
  3. Mix everything together, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Let sit in the refrigerator for a bit before being enjoying.
  5. Enjoy!

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